I get but do not often read Senior Housing News very thoroughly. I think it is about service enriched housing, sort of the flip or opposite side of Aging in Place. What caught my eye was “What’s Cooking in the Design Kitchen: A Recipe for Aging in Place“. This is not the Senior Housing News I expect. That article is good, I know and like Manny Gonzalez of KTGY group and Sarah Reep of MASCO. No surprise their Universal Design comments are right on target.
What REALLY caught my eye is the series on the Future of Senior Housing from last month. The topic is hot, so they actually listed a ‘redux’ this morning.
I interpret this attention from a pretty secure service enriched housing field as a hard look over the shoulder at Aging in Place coming up on their flank. They are starting to see Aging in Place as competition. Of course, we don’t need to be competitors. There is plenty of room for many types, styles and levels of senior housing and services now and more in the future. Service enriched and aging in place are alternatives…not competitors.
This is an indicator of the tide turning. We are at that moment when the returning tide is new and different, and to mix my metaphors…when the tide comes in the aging in place ‘movement’? ‘industry’? will near the tipping point. Mixing again: If the tide comes in to an organized movement and industry, that can deliver a good, comprehensive and valuable product, all boats in the harbor- transportation systems, home health, tech providers, home mods, durable medical equipment- and more- will be floating. If it is a messy hodge podge of narrow minded providers fending others off for their own turf that tipping point may be missed!
The Aging in Place Institute is forming now to provide that organization. Let me know what you think!
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I am all in for the Tipping point, Louis. great article.
You have my vote of confidence. I like the idea of ‘alternative’ vs. ‘competition’. As you mentioned in another post, every situation is unique and Aging in Place is not always the best choice BUT I think it’s an overlooked choice because people are not yet aware of the resources and opportunities that exist (and are increasing daily). Our efforts may be more grassroots than big, smooth marketing but we have a huge advantage of resonating with what most people truly want.
J Steele, jsteele@blackdiamondbuilders.com