Transitions 2, A Path Out of the Twilight Zone

by Louis on December 10, 2012

I recently attended the Age Tech California conference. I was a bit reluctant. I have been to so many of these things overflowing with tech products and aps claiming to have ‘the solution’. My impression when someone says they have the solution is that they are using tunnel vision to evaluate complexity. They usually don’t understand the customer,  who the customer might really be, the relationships that bring value to their product and the humanity required to improve our home care system.

But the keynote speech by Paul Kusserow made the whole day worthwhile.  Kusserow, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy officer at Humana, is head of Humana Ventures. Paul gets it big time. His presentation  made it clear he understands the breadth of services that will be part of health and the goals of dignity and grace that accompany costs, savings and profits.

This chart culled from his slides shows the nuances they recognize in their approach:


Humana is buying pieces they need to fill out their model and testing delivery systems. I asked if they could see paying carpenters for home modifications. He did not hesitate to say yes, they are already testing with a big box in Florida.  This presentation and Paul’s grasp made me so glad I attended. Now I am watching with keen interest. As with any series of acquisitions, Can the vision be passed to integration and operations?




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