How YOU can support HR 1780, the Senior Accessible Housing Act

by Louis on November 1, 2017

YOUR signature is needed on the campaign to support HR 1780, the Senior Accessible Housing Act. Tax reform is in the news. Some good and bi-partisan bits may pass with the larger bill. HR 1780 is just that: bi-partisan, a really good idea, minimally controversial and broadly appealing. HomesRenewedâ„¢ will support the bill with visits to congressional offices to align more sponsors. We need your signature to convey the strength and breadth of interest.

Our goals may not be reached with this tax reform. HomesRenewed is in it for the long haul. We advocate incentives to transform America’s housing stock so it better serves residents throughout the modern lifespan. Matching HR 1780’s broad appeal, HomesRenewed is an innovative coalition of consumers, business, not for profits and government agency stakeholders.

Please click on this link, and fill out the form to join the movement to improve housing.

It will only take a minute. It is a good, meaningful and valuable chance to participate.

And THEN: Forward this to your lists, colleagues, friends and social media.


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