boomer marketing

Silvers Summit- The Chats

January 22, 2012
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Reflecting on the conversations I had at the Silvers Summit I realize I had the same three conversations quite a few times. These are not new points, the topics are review for folks I converse with all the time. (I may even have written about them in this space) I am going to share the […]

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Silvers Summit/ Digital Health 2012

January 18, 2012
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My how time flies!  I started to report on last week’s Silvers Summit at CES  (Consumer Electronics Show) by referring to my write up last year. Turns out the last one I wrote was two years ago! This was the first time I attended the Silvers Summit or CES. So, Can I write the same […]

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Inspired in Beantown!

November 21, 2011
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I am an innovation immigrant.   I don’t often feel inspired. But I am inspired by the incredible third annual Aging Means Business Conference held Friday in Boston associated with the Gerontological Society of America annual meeting.  This was my second time at this conference organized by Greg O’Neill and his team of Sarah Wilson […]

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Do you need copies?

September 27, 2011
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In the early and mid nineties when I was the sole home modifications focused contractor in the DC area I used to ask this question when giving presentations to consumers and more traditional senior senior providers. I was drawing a comparison to home mods as an innovation akin to the advent of the xerox machine. […]

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Finding Value in Aging in Place Tech

September 25, 2011
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So often, Too often, High Tech is seen as an end in itself. It can be done and so it must. Okay we get that, but does it add value? How is value measured? In discussing tech value or the lack, a current discussion is about losing our ability to concentrate because of the way […]

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Cottages Followup- is Universal Design becoming prime time?

September 12, 2011
Thumbnail image for Cottages Followup- is Universal Design becoming prime time?

Hopefully the cottages project (see the September 8 entry) on which I am working is not so innovative. Hopefully it is just near the tipping point of mainstream. Here are two articles from Builder Online,  a general building world  magazine, speaking of Universal Design as the cutting edge and common new ground of the builder […]

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Good Headline, The Market’s not there, yet!

September 6, 2011
Thumbnail image for Good Headline, The Market’s not there, yet!

This Saturday’s Washington Post Real Estate Section has a very good article about accessible housing and the market. The writer, Sandra Fleishman, got the story right. I agree that the market is not there yet. There are lots of reasons. One is demonstrated by the photo in the article. It shows a sore ‘nose’ ‘ramp’ […]

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This Makes Good Sense

August 30, 2011
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Here is a Washington Post article on assisted living that makes good sense. All kinds of senior housing are good ideas and all the types we know of, and some we don’t, will be needed in the future. But all should be responsive to the clientele not just because it may increase the bottom line. […]

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Marketing Series

August 22, 2011
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While we are on this referral to articles and market information lets look at these great Toyota ads. Watch both videos in the article, brought to my attention by AARP’s Amy Levner through my work on their Universal Design Consumer Education Task Force. There is nothing about the car. The play is to aspire […]

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Or maybe THIS is it?

August 19, 2011
Thumbnail image for Or maybe THIS is it?

There is too much conjecture and generally accepted truths out there. Here is an article, Are Older Americans Willing to Spend? by Demo Memo blogger Cheryl Russell about spending habits of 65+ consumers. The evidence is now in, belying the myth, that older consumers spend as much or more than younger consumers…but wait a minute…. […]

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