Katie Sloan of Leading Age and I kicked off the Aging in Place Institute with an Action Salon on March 30, 2012 in Washington, D. C.  A roaring FORTY ONE stakeholders from various disciplines, sectors and interests attended. It was a lively group of passionate players from business, not for profits and government. Folks came from technology providers, home mods, occupational therapy, transportation, marketing, media, housing, home health, community improvement, design and academia. Local and national players were represented. The Salon mood was festive and sharp.
Participation was fantastic. Steve Gurney of The Guide to Retirement Living was a masterful moderator balancing energetic networking with whole group discussion. The discussion was stimulated by collaboration worksheets people noodled as they talked. Since then thoughtful written comments have been rolling in. I have no doubt the Aging in Place Institute will grow to a sustained, effective and valuable organization. Joel Shapira of Beyond Age gets credit for pushing me to plan this event and helping every step of the way.
Despite a packed and VERY noisy room we saw the Aging in Place Institute idea in Action. The varied stakeholder representation was not accidental…it is the idea. The Institute will achieve value from The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures. It refers to the gathering of wide ranging ideas by the Medici family in Florence credited with sparking the renaissance.
A quick description of the Aging in Place Institute is “a trade group for people who do not realize they are in the same business.” The Aging in Place Institute brings disparate expertise, points of view and interest together creating the innovation generator that will solve the intertwined problems of housing, care and services for the growing population of older Americans.
“Aging in Place has cross-functional dependencies on organizations and businesses who don’t see their roles or markets as overlapping — but they could and should cross-refer — and be incented or rewarded to do so.” says Laurie Orlov of Aging in Place Technology Watch. Gary Moulton of Microsoft described this as a ‘magnetic core’ pulling people in to create a desirable future.
What does the Aging in Place Institute do? Our role is leadership. AiPI activities are consistent with associations and interest groups…though they usually form to create standards and protect interests. That will come. Our early tasks are convincing those who don’t yet get it that this is the path to the future. Of course, please fill in the blanks you see and embellish the list below.
1. Collect/collate cross-referral case studies that help people stay out of senior housing. By collecting these models we can reduce reinventing the wheel, replication can occur thoughtfully so evidence mounts and next steps can grow on first steps so we can go to level 2 rather than constantly be doing level 1.
2. Facilitate new, fast paced iterations of collaborations. This is the application of current business development ideas like Lean Startup, to Aging in Place 2.0.
3. Research market size and relationships. This will help define the interrelated business model for Aging in Place.
4. Shape policy and advocate.
5. Be a incubator identifying and distributing innovation resources.
6. Find the best triggers and messages so people plan and prepare their homes and lives so Aging in Place is possible.
7. Train and certify for the new manager role needed for Aging in Place. (see the aging in place institute page)
Join us as we move forward to choice, dignity and respect in homes, care and services.
Thanks so much to all who attended from Katie and Louis
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So glad to hear that the salon went well. Very exciting with lots of good and important work ahead. Best of luck with the Aging in Place Institute.
Congratulations! Your positive energy and spunk paid off! Very happy for you. keep me posted about the upcoming. Bravo!
Good news! Good work getting all stakeholders in one room–a huge accomplishment. You have created a ground swell for change by having everyone in same room, at the same time. Count me in to participate in this important work. Could not happen at a better time.
Please add us on your list for future events. Gene Loeb has been reaching out to me since your salon to become involved with your group & writing about AiP. He spoke of attending the conference mentioned you specifically. I just clicked into your site from ASID Eye on Design newsletter. Challenges face all homeowners as the costs of supervised medical care increases significantly. Home builders today should be planning all new construction with AiP principals well thought out at least for the main level of the home. With the population demographics of the baby boomers maturing we need to have homes built that are ready for people to live comfortably into their older years. A safe, secure home environment is key to a person’s ability to manage independently in day to day tasks on their own as they have to accept that their body becomes weaker/frailer with limited mobility and sight issues. AiP is not just for the elderly, we will all end up needing Universal design features one day. We review with clients that their child may break a leg or arm playing sports that requires assistance in taking a shower. Everyone benefits when there is at least a portion of the home that is safe and easy to use at any age and disability.