Affordable, Sustainable & Universal Design!

by Louis on June 19, 2009

The Cutting Edge!

Howard County Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development released an RFQ for affordable, sustainable and Universal Design homes on a small parcel. I believe this is the first time these three factors have been combined in one place. The county required a Universal Design consultant on each team. This is a bold move that makes complete sense.

What can be more important to those with limited incomes than assurance their home will last them a long time with minimized energy and use costs and will continue meeting their needs throughout their lifespans? Everyone who buys a home want to Age in Place. Everyone wants costs held down. This county is making a stand.

I am especially excited about the project because I am on the winning team!!! I had impact on the proposal. I will carry though the whole project. One home site may be retained by the county as a learning tool. I will be weighing in on that as well. The project, called the Glens at Guilford, is a dream come true opportunity. Other team members include Baltimore Green Construction, Marks-Thomas Architects, Poole Design, Min Engineers and Stavrou Associates.

Howard County Maryland is a very progressive community. The Rouse Company built the planned community of Columbia, Md. there opening in 1967. Howard County has been a leader on livable communities, visitability and Universal Design with the Howard County Homes for Life Coalition I helped launch a few years back under the legendary Phyllis Madachy‘s leadership.

This is some of the harvest from seeds planted long ago. A good lesson for advocates. I will keep you posted here as this crop grows.

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Peter Durkson June 20, 2009 at 9:29 pm

Congratulations on your progress!
I look forward to following your project.


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