We act at two levels. Personal and Collectively.
Take environmental issues for example. It is not enough to demand enforcement of the clean air act, we must also get rid of our fume belching cars and pay the extra fare and taxes for natural gas or hybrid buses, and bike lanes.
Is this a version of Think Globally/Act Locally. Sure. We can cite lots of analogs.
Politics the same. Act on your beliefs whether campaign finance, foreign trade or civil rights. Support legislation and policy with the same goals.
Healthy and happy aging are no different. We must take responsibility for our health. The strongest evidence of return for effort is moderate, regular cardio and strength training. You get the benefit of feeling better and controlling your own circumstances. We all benefit from reduced and delayed hospitalization and critical care facility admissions and hospital readmissions. Health care costs are reduced. Couple that with health policy that funds preventive screening, checkups and teaching behavior modification techniques. We are operating personally and collectively.
Modify your home – safety, convenience, prevention, security. Support policies and subsidies that train workers to do it as well so everyone can reap the benefits. Then work to makes sure transportation and a full array of AiP2.0 providers and management systems are available.
We need to do these things for ourselves. That demonstrates courage and resolve that we want to Age healthfully and in the homes we choose. It will also provide evidence of the impact. We have to function as a grass roots and political force to declare what we want and that we will do what it takes to make it so.