Frequently Asked Aging in Place Questions

The Aging in Place Symphony – Living at home with services should be conceived of like an orchestra. The woodwinds, strings, brass, percussion, and other instruments have contributions defined by the score while a conductor, although providing no sound, manages the entire ensemble to produce beautiful music. Similarly, the efficient flow of Aging in Place resources and providers are managed by a comprehensive and dynamic management system, maintaining the health and dignity of residents in the home of their choice.

Why Aging in Place?

The population of older people is growing larger and older. The numbers of people paying into our systems is getting smaller. The cost of healthcare, especially for older people, seems to be rising out of control. People are fearful of senior housing. There is a growing shortage of caregivers.

In short, the situation is critical. We need new and better housing and care.

What is Aging in Place?

Aging in Place is a housing and care option that integrates design, equipment, and services to provide the opportunity and ability to remain in the home of your choice indefinitely. Aging in Place works best when people prepare their home environments in advance of accidents or injuries using Universal Design to preserve independence and create safe care environments. Aging in Place relies on a comprehensive and dynamic management system to use human, financial, and medical resources efficiently. Aging in Place preserves housing stock, fosters community continuity, and strengthens families. Aging in Place empowers older citizens with Choice and Control, Dignity and Independence – the essentials of happier homes, better lives and more economical housing and care.

What isn’t Aging in Place?

Forced moves in a crisis from expectable health changes. It does not mean you must remain in a house you have occupied for many years. Many people move because they want to live near family, recreation, culture, education. Those are lifestyle choices.